About us

Impermanence was founded in 2012 by Jon Underwood.

We aim to have a huge positive impact on culture around death.

We're motivated by a belief that working with death is very useful & important.

Our projects

Our work

Death Cafe

Death Cafe is one of the world's largest community engagement projects around death. At a Death Cafe people talk about death over tea and cake. Since our first Death Cafe in 2011 there have been thousands of Death Cafes in over 30 countries.

Death Cafe website

Funeral Advisor

Funeral Advisor is a 'trip-advisor' for the funeral industry. The site aims to help people get the funeral they want and increase transparency and accountability in the funeral sector. Funeral Advisor is provided by Impermanence in partnership with the Natural Death Centre.

Funeral Advisor website

Find Me Help

Find Me Help is the UK's most comprehensive database of services and best used guide for people who are dying and those close to them. Dying Matters has commissioned Impermanence to develop and manage this content.

Find Me Help marketing site

Impermanence has also:

- Developed the Compassionate Employers website for NCPC
- Developed the Evans Above Online website for Teresa Evans
- Provided training to many organisations working around death
- Mentored / supported many individuals working around death
- Presented on our work and death more broadly many times.

Work with us

Work with us

We offer a range of services around death including:
Web development - of effective and professional sites of all sizes
Training - on all aspects of death especially cultural change
Advice - to those working with death or considering doing so
Mentoring - for individuals working with or dealing with death
Presentations - on all aspects of death and our work.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements and our rates. Currently we are not able to work on a unpaid basis.

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